Show that special person in your life some love with a custom MCI Valentine this year!
Valentine's Day is that special day where we get to celebrate love and affection for each other. It's an opportunity to take a pause and show loved ones how special they are to us, and how much we care about them. And we think it's the perfect day to show your love and support for new methods of male contraception!
The Male Contraceptive Initiative staff created custom-designed valentines e-cards for you to download and share with your friends, family, and significant other. They're an easy, fun way for you to help us advocate for male contraception and they are free to download (though a donation would certainly be appreciated!). Simply click on the e-cards you'd like to open them in a separate tab, then right click to save. You can then text, email, or even post them to your social media channels!
The Male Contraceptive Initiative staff created custom-designed valentines e-cards for you to download and share with your friends, family, and significant other. They're an easy, fun way for you to help us advocate for male contraception and they are free to download (though a donation would certainly be appreciated!). Simply click on the e-cards you'd like to open them in a separate tab, then right click to save. You can then text, email, or even post them to your social media channels!
Bro, Do You Even Contracept?