Achieving the sustainable development agenda will require partnerships between governments, the private sector, and civil society; collaborations across sectors and countries will be the only way we can create a more sustainable future for everyone and everything on this planet. A wide range of global partnerships have made significant progress in promoting and strengthening family planning. These partnerships provide a much-needed model for how to conceptualize and manage the multi-stakeholder engagements needed to support sustainable development, while also advocating for the services and products needed to empower people to manage their family planning objectives. Additionally, these collaborations have shown the impact that investing in family planning can have. Analyses show that for every dollar invested in family planning, between US$1.47 and US$4.00 is saved in maternal and newborn health care. At the global level, it is estimated that for every US$1.00 spent eliminating unmet need for contraception, $120.00 in savings would be realized through reduced infant and maternal mortality as well as individual and intergenerational income growth. Further, these estimates only include modern methods of contraception, for which male methods are severely limited. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that these metrics will only improve with the addition of more male contraceptive options while also helping to usher in a new era of balanced partnerships between couples. That is why it’s so important to invest in new male contraceptives. Sources/References:
- Guttmacher Institute’s “Adding It Up: The Costs and Benefits of Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health 2014” - “Investing in Family Planning: Key to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals” by Ellen Starbird, Maureen Norton, and Rachel Marcus - “Family planning: the unfinished agenda” by John Cleland, Stan Bernstein, Alex Ezeh, Anibal Faundes, Anna Glasier, and Jolene Innis - Copenhagen Consensus Center’s “Population and Demography Assessment Paper” Comments are closed.
November 2024